Professor in Experimental Pathology
Head Laboratory of Exp Tumorimmunology
VU University Medical Center
De Boelelaan 1117, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +3120 444 4031/4002
Fax: +3120 444 2964
Rik J Scheper is an immunologist and experimental pathologist, active in research, teaching and administration in the Dept of Pathology of the VU University Medical Center (VUmc) in Amsterdam. After his graduation and doctoral studies in Biochemistry he was a Royal Society Research Fellow at the Royal College of Surgeons in London (1975-1976), studying immunomodulatory effects of cytostatic drugs. Subsequently, he worked as a visiting Research Scientist at F. Hoffmann-LaRoche &Co, Ltd, Basle, Switzerland (1984-1985) on immunoregulation of allergic contact dermatitis, and as a visiting Research Professor at the Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson, Arizona, USA (1989-1990) on cytostatic drug and immune effector resistance mechanisms. Currently, in close collaborations with several clinical departments Rik J Scheper leads research groups in the fields of drug resistance, tumorimmunology and immunodermatology, and helds functions as Section Leader Immunotherapy of the Dept of Medical Oncology, and Vice-Director of the VUmc Institute of Immunology. In1993 Rik J Scheper was appointed as extraordinary Professor in Experimental Pathology, VUmc. His other hobbies include family life, travelling and piano playing.
Selected recent publications (2000-2001) on drug resistance and vaults: