Vancomycin Documentation Criteria

One or more of the below must be documented on the Green Sheet before surgery start:

  • Beta-lactam allergy (PCN or cephalosporin).
  • Preoperative documentation that the patient is undergoing valve surgery.
  • Increased MRSA rate either facility wide or operation specific (i.e. Cardiac Surgery).
  • Documentation of colonization with MRSA, a positive MRSA screen, an MRSA infection, or a history of MRSA.
  • Preoperative documentation of chronic wound care or dialysis.
  • High risk due to current inpatient status greater than 24 hours prior to surgery start.
  • High risk due to acute inpatient hospitalization within the past 12 months prior to surgery date.
  • High risk due to transfer from an outside hospital with an inpatient status greater than 3 days.
  • High risk due to nursing home or extended care status within the 12 months prior to surgery.
  • Other (i.e. a specific drug interaction) documented by MD/NP/PA or PharmD prior to surgery start.