Anti-racism Resources

Check out these links that have been compiled with several resources to anti-racism.


Anti-racism Resources for the Biomedical Research Training Community

“Each person is shaped by their family, their community, and ultimately society. To understand each other and have the maximal impact on achieving equity and justice, we must understand our society.”
— Dr. Keith Norris, M.D., Ph.D.
     Principal Investigator of the CEC, Executive Vice Chair of the UCLA Department of Medicine for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

UC Anti-racism Resources

"The University of California is committed to eradicating systemic racism in university life and operations. Here, campus leaders have gathered anti-racism resources to share, including links to articles, books, podcasts and films; and listings of anti-racism trainings and webinars. These materials can guide all of us to become active participants in combating racism on our campus​es and in our communities. We will continue to add updated resources as they become available."

DGSOM Anti-racism Roadmap

"The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA (DGSOM) Anti-racism roadmap is our co-created path to ensuring racial justice, equity, diversity and inclusion."

UCLA EDI Implicit Bias Resources

"Heard the term 'implicit bias' but not totally sure what it means?  Interested in reading the seminal studies?  Just like TedTalks?  Animated videos?  This is the place for you…

Want to take an implicit association test?  Visit Project Implicit — it only takes ten minutes!"

UC San Diego Anti-racism Resources

The Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) is committed to building individual and departmental capacity to address barriers to success for our underrepresented faculty, staff, and students, to further our efforts toward inclusive excellence and foster a more welcoming and supportive campus climate.

UC San Diego: Chancellor's 21-Day Anti-racism Challenge

Diversity scholar Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr. created the 21-Day Challenge concept to promote deeper understandings of race, power, privilege, supremacy, and oppression. Why 21 days? It takes 21 days to create a habit and this initiative aims to support us in building “effective social justice habits” to effect meaningful change. We appreciate Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr. for empowering communities and sharing this initiative as an educational tool. 

Through the Chancellor's 21-Day Anti-Racism Challenge we explore anti-racism as a means to help one another begin to identify and confront the structural and behavioral norms that perpetuate civil injustice and systemic racial inequality. Our goal is to assist everyone in furthering their awareness, compassion, understanding, and engagement towards anti-racism, with a focus on anti-Blackness and the experience of Black people in America.

Seeing the Water: Seven Values Targets for Anti-Racism Action

A guide from from Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, MPH, PhD with seven value targets to consider for anti-racism action. 

Anti-racism Toolkit: Curricula

Resources are divided into the following sections:

A. Structural Causes of Racism and Inequity
B. Teaching Cultural Competence
C. Teaching and Addressing Privilege

Anti-racism Resources by Sarah Sophie Flicker, Alyssa Klein

Resources for white parents to raise anti-racist children, articles to read, videos to watch, podcasts to subscribe to, books to read, films and TV series to watch, organizations to follow on social media, and more anti-racism resources to check out.

Anti-racist Resource Guide by Victoria Alexander

“This document was created to be used as a resource for anyone looking to broaden their understanding of anti-racism and get involved to combat racism, specifically as it relates to anti-Blackness and police violence. Within this guide, please find a variety of resources to explore practical ways to understand, explain, and solve seemingly intractable problems of racial inequity, white supremacy, police violence, and injustice.”

Anti-racist Resource Guide by Tasha K

"This anti-racist resource guide was crafted amidst the anger of the latest black body turned hashtag #AhmaudArbery. It is consistently being updated to address the current climate of our country and the personal growth needed to sustain this life-long journey. Please note that this document was and will continue to be a group effort...I truly believe that this ongoing work is a journey of empathy and care for humanity, individually and collectively. We must engage if we want to do intentional anti-racism work in our families, our classrooms, our conversations, our meetings, our community, our country, and our world."

Medical Mistrust, Racism and Antiracism in Medicine

A collection of peer-reviewed journal articles, books, videos, and popular press on medical mistrust in Black communities. 

Syllabus: A History of Anti-Black Racism in Medicine

"Although the focus of this syllabus is the history of anti-Blackness in American medicine, we are aware that many of the texts are not from historians of medicine. Those scholars’ insights, however, are invaluable to our dissertation research and theoretical approaches. The selection of texts here also reveals the gaps that remain between the histories of medicine and science and Black studies. Though this syllabus is certainly not exhaustive, it lays important groundwork for bridging this gap and illustrating that questions of race and racism should be central to studying the histories of medicine and science. We hope that this syllabus serves not as an endpoint–but as a beginning."

Family-­Care, Community-­Care and Self­-Care Tool Kit: Healing in the Face of Cultural Trauma

This Tool Kit is for us—developed by and for people of African ancestry—­­to comfort and inspire us in these
difficult times. It provides resources to help us take care of ourselves and each other, and strengthen our sense
of community for the journey ahead.

This moment of crisis is also a moment of great opportunity. The Black community has been through a lot
lately. But these events are just the most recent in an ongoing assault on our humanity that began more than 400
years ago in enslavement, with the telling of the poisonous lies of White superiority and Black inferiority. We
believe that these lies are the root causes of the devaluing of Black lives and nearly all the other challenges we
face as a people. Now is the time to strike at the heart of these lies with all of our might­­by working together to
free ourselves, our children, and the world from them once and for all.

Advancing Racial Equity Webinar Series: Discussion Guide

This guide is to be used in conjunction with viewing the webinar series and includes a webinar summary,
pre- and post-webinar questions, an activity and resources for each webinar in the series. Primarily designed
for public health students and professionals, this guide can be used by anyone interested in having meaningful
discussions about racism and racial equity.

The Lancet: advancing racial equality

“Racism is a public health emergency of global concern. Anti-racism is a struggle all of us must join. We pledge to educate ourselves about racism. We will support Black and minority health workers. We will use the evidence we publish, together with our values, to speak out for Black and minority ethnic communities. We pledge our solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. We will now turn that pledge into concrete actions in our own work.”

— The Lancet antiracism pledge


"#ShutDownAcademia and #ShutDownSTEM is an initiative from a multi-identity, intersectional coalition of STEM professionals and academics taking action for Black lives.

It is not enough to say that you stand in solidarity.
We need you to be accountable.
We need your actions.

Shutdownstem resources

Shutdownstem Take Action

for researchers

for department leaders

for support staff

for students

Watch + Listen

What is Juneteenth?

Justice in June

This document provides books/articles to read, videos to watch, podcasts to listen to and is organized according to how much time (10, 25, or 45 mins) you can dedicate each day this month to learning more.

Learn about Juneteenth

Folasade May, MD, PhD, shares her thoughts in this recently published article: From words to actions to change: How medicine, academia can respond to racial injustice in America.

Review the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture material, titled: The Coming of Freedom: Celebrating Juneteenth or Talking about Race: Whiteness.   

Read the article: “Who Gets to Be Afraid in America?”  by Ibram X. Kendi.
Learn about UCLA Staff efforts to combat racism: UCLA Staff Assembly urges people to get involved in support of antiracism.  

Stream a dance performance: Step Afrika! Juneteenth Virtual Celebration